Thursday, November 16, 2006

I think today I’m lonely….a place I frequent and yet WHY?
I have an amazing Husband….following Christ with his whole heart
Children, each of them on journey’s rich and dangerous…
Grandchildren beautiful and healthy and smart….living with parents seeking Christ.

I have a church that led me…exposed me…modeled to me a journey to desiring full devotion to God…..dependency on Christ….
Is that the ‘terrible news’ I hear some label the gospel??
That we must be devoted…we must become dependent…
When everything around us has challenged us to BE MORE, DO MORE….WANT MORE….

In the loneliness I sense You nearest…..and yet it is lonely and I try TRY harder and harder to NOT BE LONELY….but it IS IN THE LONELINESS that I sense You nearest….

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I would love to know what people thought and tell them what I think…
But what I ‘think’ would happen is when we all have different thoughts we would argue.

I would love to just have our own journey’s…..
To simply love without needing to be loved….

I would think that is what He intended….
Why then do we make it so hard?

I would love to walk around forgiven but then aren’t we called to forgive…

It’s a journey for a reason I guess…..
We don’t ‘get it’ all at once…
A new heart from a heart of stone….is gonna take some breaking down.
He is such a Master…
His ways so much better than ours
And yet we FIGHT Him every step and He never ever quits…..

This is interesting....

Monday, November 13, 2006

The blogosphere is scary......
And I am part of the fear....

To live 'naked' means no matter what I think I look like others get to judge what they see....

To live 'naked' means to not care what 'they' think..

To live 'naked' means I am comfortable enough in my own skin, my own relationship w/Christ that I am just NAKED in my beliefs....

Living naked takes GUTS.......

Friday, November 10, 2006

So much anger and judgement in and of the world and when you see Christian blasting Christian what does that show??

What and where does opinion stop and judgement begin??